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The Channel


David Valantin 1 to 1 5DSanctuary Somatic Alignment Breathwork Energy Work Psychic Channel

The Language of the Soul

How does it work ?

I would have loved to give you perfectly a full explanation on how this does work but I stopped wondering too much the Day I decided to befriend this part of myself and stop reject it to make Others feel more comfortable about it.

Here is what I can tell you, my Human Design is fully open, which for me made a lot of sense to understand why I was channeling vibrations, visions and messages.
On top of this, I'm full empath, so in order to turned it into a beneficial ally, I have worked out a lot on my personal traumas, and trained in different practices to be reliable and to provide a safe space where everyone is welcome and encouraged to leave the Labels out of this authentic moment.


How a Session goes ?

Giving yourself the time and the opportunity to receive ?

There are 2 options of time duration following the way you have decided to support yourself.
Our session is online, you simply have to register an available slot, fill up the form.

My guidance can have various approaches following the dimensional state of your being at the moment you are reaching out.
We will start by connecting, the channel transmitting will be the part taking the maximum time and a  short re-integration of our respective vibrations at the end.
Some of you might be more comfortable in a counselling space, and others might be more in tune with a meditative state,
you are encouraged to come with no expectations to allow a deepest and beneficial outcome.
I provide in person channeling within my containers including a Bodywork practice such as Somatic Alignment, Breathwork, and Energy Activation.


5D Sanctuary The Channel Bird

What are the benefits ?

Fearing the Unknown is a human condition,
Acceptance gives you the bravery to receive your gifts

The channel online is a consultative inquiry for yourself, to clear up your own channel, to hear what your soul wants to tell you.

If you feel you want to re-access your flow, balance your auric field, get some clarity, being supported onto the path of your personal growth, develop your state of Consciousness,  and let your Soul and other extensions express in a safe environment, this is the space for.
There is a quantic dynamic, and we can get informed about lineages and timelines as well, the best is not to create expectations.
Your soul knows the best, and now deep down you know if you want to have this vibrational experience.

From my Heart,   David

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